Benefits of Care

Benefits of post-accident chiropractic treatments include:

No need for medications 

Many people have a natural aversion to taking pain medications and are worried about becoming dependent or addicted to the drugs they are given. There is also the possibility that pain relief can actually mask the underlying cause, rather than ensuring it is treated. Fortunately, chiropractic care can get to the bottom of what is causing your discomfort and provide effective pain relief without the need for prescription pharmaceuticals. 

Reduces inflammation in the body 

Inflammation is a common side-effect of being involved in a car accident. This is because the force on your body can cause lots of micro-tears in the ligaments and muscles. These are impossible to pick up by x-ray but are responsible for you feeling stiff and sore the day after your collision. Chiropractic manipulations can help your body to release an anti-inflammatory chemical that reduces internal swelling and pain and promotes healing. 

Restores mobility 

It is largely a combination of inflammation and pain that causes the loss of mobility in our back and neck after a car accident. Unfortunately, this can mean that you find it difficult to move around normally, and you it may be impossible for you to participate in some activities. Your chiropractor will be able to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process, which will enable you to regain mobility much sooner. 

Prevention of further back pain 

The development of scar tissue can cause stiffness and discomfort that leads to chronic back pain. We can focus on areas of healing so that scar tissue is minimal. He/she can also manage your care to help reduce the risk of further back problems developing in the future. 

Experience non-invasive treatment 

Most people want to avoid surgery after a car accident if possible. However, if you wait too long to treat your injuries, surgery could end up being your only option. Chiropractic treatments are non-invasive and align the spine without surgical intervention. If you visit a chiropractor for treatment soon after your injury, you may reduce your chances of requiring surgery in the future. 

Reduces Pain Through-out the Entire Body 

Chiropractic adjustments after a car accident are known to reduce pain in the entire body because of a pain-reducing hormone that is released during the spinal manipulations. 

These hormones help the injured area that was affected after the accident to feel less painful as well as helping to improve other areas of the body that may have been feeling pain before the crash. 

 Injuries are not Always Obvious 

Obviously broken bones, lacerations, or bruising will be easy injuries to spot after a car crash. However, there are other injuries such as Whiplash that are not always apparent immediately following a motor vehicle accident. 

It could take hours or a few days to feel the symptoms of whiplash, such as dizziness, headaches, soreness, or pain in the upper back and neck. 

The best way to deal with a whiplash injury is to catch it early on. This means, if you were involved in a car accident, do not wait to seek treatment until you feel pain. 

Ignoring a potential injury can lead to long-term pain,  which is why it is essential to see a chiropractor immediately following your accident so they can properly diagnose your injuries and start you on a treatment plan before the pain become unbearable. 

Avoid Long-Term Pain  

Minor car accident injuries can become serious long-term problems if the conditions are left untreated. 

For example, symptoms of whiplash can continue for years if you fail to seek proper medical care and can become a chronic condition that leads to emotional anguish as well as physical. 

Seeing a chiropractor immediately after your accident will help to avoid long-term, chronic pain conditions from developing. Your doctor will be able to diagnose and treat your injury before it has the chance to manifest into a much larger problem.